Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Are you happy?

"Mommy, are you happy that I am a Princess Boy?"  Oh, my sweet love, how those words just cut my heart in two!  I have done everything in my power to show you how much we love you and accept you for who you are meant to be.  How I have gone to the ends of the earth to educate ourselves and others about your gender creativity.  How every comment that I hear is deflected, defended, educated!  My sweet boy, all of that is so important, but the most important, I now see, is that you see that we are indeed happy!  Happy that you are unique, you are who God meant you to be, you are ours, you are independent, you just want to be yourself!  Yes, my amazing boy, I am happy that you are a Princess Boy, because you are YOU!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Catching Our Rainbows! Leslie here (author of Transparenthood) I am writing to share the news that I am that I am a semi-finalist for an essay contest sponsored by the Oakland, California Children's Hospital. The contest asked writers to submit essays about raising a child with a challenge and so I wrote about our experience raising Sam. Out of 220 entries I am one of 18 that made the first cut but now I need people to vote for my essay on Facebook in order to go on to the final round of judging. The grand prize is a consultation with a publisher from Random House and a meeting with the editor-in-chief of "O" Magazine, which would be incredible networking opportunities for me as I write that book on the same subject for parents who are in our same situation. Would you please "Like" my essay (link below) and share the link with any and all of your friends who are on FB? I am thrilled about making it this far, but even more excited about the potential positive PR surrounding transgender kids if my essay makes it to the finals.

    Thanks in advance for any help you can provide! It is greatly appreciated!

