Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Judgement is not a Virtue

We are on a journey...it is my hope that this blog will be a constructive outlet for our family and others who are on similar journeys! Our journey is marked with paths that society deems different, unacceptable, weird...we choose to see them in a more positive light...unique,fabulous, authentic, diverse, inspirational!!

This blog will encompass our entire family and I hope I can keep a decent balance for everyone involved...it is not my intention to focus on one path over another, however there is a unique part of our journey that we struggle with, embrace and encounter on a daily basis. Often, that part will have a prevailing presence....it is how this blog came to be!

Our journey...both of our boys are unique in their own ways, both struggle with their place in this world and both struggle with acceptance! My oldest son, A is almost 10...he is too smart for his own good, he is technologically inclined and he is extremely sensitive. These traits are what make him so unique. We love him so much and love his kindness and ability to see the best in people, even when others really do not deserve his kindness! He is judged, we are judged because he is a perfectionist, because he cries! When he wants to share his delight in accomplishments or acquired items as most children do he is labeled a bragger...even by those who do the same. He cannot understand why he cannot be happy about what makes him happy while others can! He is just a kid...he truly seeks to share the wealth and happiness...he is truly happy for others when they share their excitements! But, all too often insecurities cloud the minds of others so they cannot see what is in the hearts of others, they want to see what they want to see, and it is often not the truth! How do you explain that to a 10 year old??

So as not to be labeled a bragger myself....and in the interest of keeping it real...his perfectionism can be exhausting...he often has irrational anxiety...he is moody...he has a sharp tongue! But let's be realistic here...our children are NOT perfect and it really pushes my buttons when another parent judges my child or my parenting! I know my children have faults....all children have faults...but it is never anyones place to judge another! In reality when you do that it just makes others think that you think your shi* doesn't stink...well let me tell you, everyone's shi* stinks!! When we as a society stop judging others because they are different, start minding our own business, stop pushing our insecurities on others we will have much more meaningful and healthy relationships....and that is the single most important thing we can teach our children!!

This journey continues with our youngest son...Z is 6...and his journey is unique and along with his brother is a major inspiration for this blog. I have much to say about his journey and it is where we hope others on similar journeys will weigh in...in our community we are alone on this path but in the world we are not, and that gives us hope! Our son does not conform to typical gender norms, he is an inspiration, he is FABULOUS and his is a story that like his brothers, deserves it's own post...

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